The series “Order and Chaos” intertwining science and arts offers dialogues between scientists and artists, conversations, and artworks exhibited in university gallery exhibitions. The objective of the series is to foster the synergy between science and arts. The themes for the “Order and Chaos” series in 2024 are Finno-Ugric, the universe, semiotics, and geometry.
An idea that emerged at the beginning of 2023 connects previously individually operating galleries in the Delta building, Oecologicum, Omicum, Physicum, Philosophicum, Tartu Observatory, and the University of Tartu Library.
The working group for the series includes Kärt Summatavet (Institute of Computer Science), Jaak Kikas (Institute of Physics), Sulev Kuuse (Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology), Krista Aru and Lilian Mengel (University Library), Maarja Nõmmik (Faculty of Humanities), Maret Einasto (Tartu Observatory) and Maarja Öpik (Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences).